What We Offer
We are at the forefront of best practices and continually strive to provide premium services to at-risk families and the community at large. Our services include:
Our 12-week Nurturing Parenting Program allows caregivers of children to connect and support each other in a non-judgmental and welcoming environment.
PASTA a 8 or 10 week evidence-based parenting program designed for relative or kinship caregivers who are not the biological parents of the children in their care.
In a half-day presentation participants will learn how to avoid re-traumatization regardless of their role in the family, at the workplace, and in their communities.
Learning about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study is a great training for anyone who is interested about the effects of childhood trauma.
Caregiver education opportunities provided in the Missoula Pre-Release Center and the Missoula County Detention Facility to learn more about parenting strategies and life skill sets.